


As an exercise fanatic, I always enjoy trying new workouts. In fact, I think trying new workouts is what keeps me motivative. When Studio B Wellness asked me to come to their cute little studio in German Village, I gave them a quick yes! First of all they have a disco ball in their studio, and who wouldn’t want to exercise underneath a disco ball!! If that does not get you to go workout, I don’t know what will!




“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes everyday. This is a power you can cultivate.”

–Elizabeth Gilbert


TGIF!! I am SO happy it is almost the weekend, let me tell you! This week I started to get myself acclimated to a new schedule since I will be starting a new job soon. I want to be fresh and energized the first week, instead of looking like the walking dead.  Well, this new schedule is forcing me to wake up way too early to get a morning work out in, so I can have my evenings free to blog. I am a morning person, but still, I like to sleep, and working out at 5:30/6am should be illegal. I already miss funemployment.
