


“Everything you are searching for will be revealed to you. Everything you are after will come. Everything you wish to be, you already are”

-Dulce Ruby

Happy Friday, happy Good Friday, and happy Easter weekend!! I am currently enjoying the beginning of a 3-day weekend where I plan on relaxing, watching Gilmore Girls, and giving myself an at-home spa treatment. Did you watch Gilmore Girls when it was on TV? I used to love it but it has been so long since I have seen it, I have forgotten a lot of what happens. I am currently on season 4 and am falling in love with the show all over again.  If you love the show or planning on watching it for the first time on Netflix, you MUST listen to Gilmore Guys! My cousin introduced me to them the other day and I can’t get enough of them. They are hilarious!! The concept is one of them is a huge fan of the show and the other one has never seen it before. It’s interesting to hear their point of views, as well as their guests. Kevin (one of the podcasters) favorite character is Emily, and she is mine as well, so I feel like we understand each other. I also laugh when they call Chad Michael Murray, Chad Michael Mudface haha I don’t know why I find it so funny. Anyway, if you are a fan please listen to them!



If you have been following my Instagram account, you may have noticed that I talked about the GiGi New York + Vaseline collaboration, where if you purchased $100 or more from GiGi New York, you will receive a free personalized vaseline tin therapy and a personalized tin holder. The collaboration was such a great idea—if you are anything like me then you can’t live without chapstick and somehow always loose it. The tin holder really has saved me from many frustration moments of  playing “where is my chapstick?”. (more…)