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“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes everyday. This is a power you can cultivate.”

–Elizabeth Gilbert


TGIF!! I am SO happy it is almost the weekend, let me tell you! This week I started to get myself acclimated to a new schedule since I will be starting a new job soon. I want to be fresh and energized the first week, instead of looking like the walking dead.  Well, this new schedule is forcing me to wake up way too early to get a morning work out in, so I can have my evenings free to blog. I am a morning person, but still, I like to sleep, and working out at 5:30/6am should be illegal. I already miss funemployment.

Besides pretending to be a self motivating person this week, my week was pretty good and this weekend should be fun! I am going to see Deadpool tonight–I LOVE Ryan Reynolds (like can I marry you kind of love), so I am excited to see it! I am also going to brunch with my parents and curling up in bed to watch my new binge-worthy tv series–Gilmore Girls. I loved it when it was on, enjoying it all over again has been fun!

Oh did I tell you I gave up shopping for Lent? Worst decision ever. When I gave up chocolate for Lent a few years ago, it was easier than this. The only thing I am spending my money on is workout classes, going out at night, and food. I am only doing it for the month of February because there is no way I will be able to last the full 40 days of Lent. I think God will forgive me— and I think God will forgive me if I slip and get my nails done this weekend……. Of course there is a million clothing items and a new book I want to purchase, and I am convinced that it will all be sold out by the end of the month and I will have to live in eternal regret for not getting them. And every time I see someone wearing the item a part of me will die a little and I will cry inside…… Did I mention I have been acting like a fussy toddler? If you need me, I will be huddled in a corner crying and shaking until the end of February.

1) How can you not adore Adele

2) 4 Kids Dress Their Moms For Fashion Week

3) My favorite combo: pink and floral

4) A healthy snack with one of my favorite foods

5) 10 Ways To Wake Up Happier Every Morning

6) A beautiful blouse you can wear now 

7) I do not need a celebratory excuse to eat all 5 of these

8) Can’t wait to romp around in this

9) Which Type of Exercise Is Best for the Brian?

10) Misty Copeland: The Art of Dance

11) To Anyone Who Thinks They’re Falling Behind In Life