


Yesterday I was flipping through the spring J.Crew style guide, which by the way is pretty good–feels like the old J.Crew is coming back!! Anyway, while I was happily checking off the items that I want to purchase, I noticed a lot of the items I liked came in yellow. Yellow is a color I like and have an item or two in, but don’t always go for. Being blonde with pale skin, sometimes it can wash me out a little, but it still won’t stop me from looking like a high lighter. In the J.Crew catalog, I was immediately drawn to this dress with its pretty floral print and easy fit. I hope it looks just as pretty in person! I also thought these earrings or this necklace would be a fun statement piece to have! A pop of color to add to any outfit. And how darling is this swim suit? It’s a little retro and super cute!




My sister sent me the above illustration when I first went gluten free, it made me laugh because I love to talk about it.

This week marks my one year anniversary of going gluten free. It has been a bitter/sweet year. Yes I feel good, but I miss food… a lot. When people find out about my gluten sensitivity they are always curious about my health journey; what does it mean to be GF, how did I figure it out. It seems going gluten free is a fad right now, something trendy to do because it has been deemed bad for you. In reality, if you do not have a sensitivity to it, going gluten free really does nothing for your body–good or bad. Those that loose weight it is only because they are completely cutting out bread. I have found in my year of living without gluten that a lot of people still, contrary to its popularity, do not understand what it means to be gluten free. I once had a waitress tell me that there was bacon in the salad and if it was ok. Yes, put bacon in my salad, lots of it. Bacon does not have gluten in it unless it is rolled up in bread crumbs.




“be the brightest of the bunch”

Dear Friday, I can not tell you how glad I am to see you! Finally it is the weekend! This entire week I felt pretty sick. Besides work, I didn’t leave the couch. I cancelled all of my work outs, went to bed super early, barely worked on the blog, and had to miss the last of my squash tournament. I am pretty upset that I had to miss it, but I didn’t have the energy to move. I am now feeling a little better (yay!), and am spending the weekend relaxing and hoping to get myself back to 100%.
