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“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

-Henri J.M. Nouwen

Happy Friday!! I am back in New York after a long (almost 2 weeks) break at home in Columbus. Although I had THE BEST time at home, I am happy to be back in the city and to my normal routine like workouts, blogging, events, my friends, etc. My break at home was exactly what I needed– time away from the city. I spent most of it at home with my family. My niece is almost 2 years old and so much fun to be around. I am obsessed with her! My sister jokingly calls me a stalker because I have more pictures of my niece than my sister does. I can’t help it– she is just so dang cute! She has the best personality; always laughing, dancing, “singing”, playing jokes on people. Our favorite thing to do is to scare each other and act like we are monsters. She also likes to jump on me when I am lying down and then I flip her over. Good times— I am available to babysit your kids. Anyway, she reminds me a lot of myself when I was little– full of energy and is bit of a weirdo.

Besides being the best aunt ever this past week, I also went to my mom’s tap class. I have not tapped in almost 10 years, so was very excited to dust off my shoes and flap ball change. My mom takes classes from my old dance studio owner. It felt like old times. Although the class is a beginner and I am (was) much more advanced, it was hard to simplify some things. I am used to doing certain movements with additional steps, so to strip it away took a moment or two to get used to. I haven’t broken down steps in almost 30 years. Anyway, it felt so good to be back in the dance studio that it has motivated me to start taking classes at Broadway Dance Center or Steps on Broadway. I think this will be my New Year’s resolution.

My couch FINALLY arrived yesterday!! It was only a month late…. After blood, sweat, tears, and a few battle wounds it took me almost 2 hours to put it together by myself. Pretty proud of myself right now! The couch looks great and I am so happy I finally have somewhere to sit that is comfortable besides the stools around the island. The only thing left to do to finish the living room is to put up the wall art. Will hopefully get to that this weekend.

This morning I worked out at Megan Roup’s MAT class. Everything hurts. Although I worked out a little at home, it’s going to take a few classes to get me back into shape. My body is not young folks, can’t bounce back like I used to. Anyway, besides working out I have a photoshoot this afternoon and an event tonight. Tomorrow night I have a birthday party to go to– dinner and then heading out for drinks. Sunday I am having brunch with Ashley and Elena. I have not seen them in a while due to schedule conflicts– SO excited for our long overdue catch up!!! I miss them!! This will be a fun weekend and I am looking forward to it! Next week I have a lot of events to attend to (tis the season!) and some more get togethers with friends. Happy Holidays!


Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. LOVED this Christmas caroling all star segment 

2. Found your NYE dress!

3. Why you should create holiday traditions with friends

4. Love this dress to wear to a wedding

5. Why wellness places have become the social hangout choice 

6. The best things to do in NYC during the holidays

7. White House holiday traditions over the years

8. Make these finger foods for your next party

9. The best Christmas trees to see around NYC

10. Best apps for room design & room layout