

“I don’t know what lies around the bend, but I am going to believe that the best does”

-Anne of Green Gables

Happy Friday! I am in Ohio visiting my family for the long weekend. I am happy to be here and spend some quality time with them. I haven’t been home since December and I miss seeing my extended family; especially my grandmother. (more…)


“Run the risk. If it works out, happiness. If not, wisdom.”


Happy Friday! This past week was all about friendships, growth, and taking life into my own hands. I have decided I need change. I have felt so stagnant these past few years. I need to grow to change to develop. I have been doing different types of content with my blog. e.i: showing try-on hauls. It helps keep things new and different for me. I have been reaching out to people to get together. I have been working on my own self love. I don’t know what kind of change I truly need, but will once it happens. I have faith in God to bring me this change that I seek. Until then I will do little things to move forward, enjoy life a little more, and to be confident in knowing this is my time. It’s my time for good things to happen in my life. (more…)


“We miss so much out of life if we do not love. The more we love the richer life is.”

-Rilla of Ingleside

Happy Friday and happy Mother’s Day! Unfortunately I will not be with my mother this weekend. However I am going to be in Ohio at the end of this month, so we will celebrate then! I did buy her these very cute floral garden gloves. She loves them and will use them a lot this spring and summer. (more…)

friday's simply smitten


“She blossomed in the tiny moments when she could feel her spirit reaching for the sun.”

-Mark Anthony

Happy Friday! This past week was all about enjoying the things that make me happy. From fashion to dancing to books to buying myself flowers, I immersed myself in my interests. I had a little bit of anxiety this past week, plus the feeling of loneliness, so I surrounded myself with the things I love to do. Working from home and for myself it can get a little lonely sometimes. Talking to my parents everyday really helps, and I see my friends when I can, but sometimes it can get lonely spending all day by yourself. So doing the little things that brings me even a glimpse of happiness always helps. (more…)