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“I find it amusing that we’re all pretending to be normal when we could be insanely interesting instead”


Happy Friday! Let the packing begin!! I am moving next Friday and I can NOT wait! As much as I am excited about this new chapter in my life, I am going to miss my daily routine in my current apartment. I love the coffee shop that is right next to my building, being very close to the subway (important for New Yorkers), and the people in my apartment building are the nicest. I am going to miss the one gentleman in his mid-50’s who is a community theatre actor and catching him in the hallway practicing his lines or singing a song. I am going to miss all of the cute dogs in my building that let me pet them every day. What I am not going to miss is how freaking warm my apartment gets; it could be snowing outside and I would be in shorts and a T-shirt with the AC on. I am definitely not going to miss the loud pipes clanging during the winter resulting in many sleepless nights. So as much as I will miss my time here, I know there are only better days ahead.

I have started packing and it looks like I will have a million boxes. So far I have packed 6 large boxes– one is filled with books and the other 5 are only 85% of my shoes…. oops. What can I say, shoes are a girl’s best friend. I will be packing non-stop from now until I move next Friday. So much to do!

Since packing is my main priority, I have made sure to lessen the events I am attending this past week and next week. Tuesday night my friend Christy hosted a large dinner party at her townhouse. I had the most wonderful time! It felt like Friendsgiving a little, where it was a potluck style dinner with everyone making/bringing a dish. I made my famous balsamic roasted carrots.  If you invite me to dinner and ask me to make a dish, 9/10 this is what I am going to make. Anyway, we sipped champagne, ate lots of food, met new friends and chit-chatted with old ones. It was a lovely evening!

The only other event I went to this past week was with Winky Lux. I played around with their makeup and did a small project with them that I am excited to share! The best part was seeing Jenna, who is a blogger and works for the company. Jenna recently moved to LA with her husband (booo!!!). I miss her– she is always so much fun to be around and a good friend. Anyway, I loved seeing her and chit-chatting about life in LA, the blogging scene out there, and life updates. *If you are wondering: blogging is so different in each state/city. From the type of girls to brands to style to aesthetics of content to events to cliques. It fascinates me to learn about bloggers in each state/city and see how they differ. Even though we are, in definition, doing the same thing, we are all so very different. Our environment really does influence how we run our blogs.

I have a lot going on this weekend. Saturday night I am going to a Wizard of Oz themed Halloween party. I have to admit it has been years since I dressed up for Halloween and even longer since I bought a costume. I think the last time I bought a costume was college.  After that I always made my own costumes; one year I was a Tiffany’s box, I loved creating that costume. Anyway, since this is a themed party I originally decided that it was time to splurge and buy a costume. I wanted to be Glenda the good witch, but couldn’t find an outfit that didn’t have an overwhelming skirt. Then I looked at Dorothy costumes and realized I could be spending $100 on a costume because the shoes were never included. By the way, I can no longer fathom paying $40-$70 for a costume to only wear once. I’d rather buy a nice blouse or food for that amount than waste it on a Halloween costume. Does this make me old? Anyway, now I am being lame and going as a witch. My original thought was to be the wicked witch of the east– the one that gets the house dropped on her. But again, I would have to buy red shoes that I currently do not own. You think with 5 boxes filled with shoes I would have at least one pair of red pumps. Well, 2013 Maggie had red pumps, but stupid 2018 Maggie got rid of them. So now I am being a basic witch. I already have a black dress; I bought striped tights, witch shoe covers, a headband with a witch’s hat, spider earrings and a ring. Lame, I know. Oh well. The party is going to be lots of fun and I am pretty excited to celebrate this spooky holiday for the first time in years!

Sunday night I am invited to the grand opening of the Big Apple Circus with Neil Patrick Harris as the ringmaster. I have had the Big Apple Circus on my NYC bucket list for years! I can’t remember the last time I went to the circus, possibly in elementary school? Maybe even younger than that! After the show, I am invited to attend the after-party with the performers. I am pretty excited about the show and the party, and am really excited to see NPH! It is going to be a lot of fun and will make me feel like a kid again!

Other than the Halloween party and the circus, I will be packing, packing, packing, and working out. I am going to stay in tonight to get things done/clean out my room. Most likely will watch a movie and relax.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Julie Andrews provides life lessons 

2. I need this lace top

3. Perfect for the holidays 

4. Wanting these knee-high boots

5. Inside the new Nordstrom NYC Flagship store

6. Everything you need to know about dating in your 30’s

7. Do you really need a cover letter?

8. Chic and scary Halloween decor ideas

9. Women For Women: 16 inspiring leaders putting the work into sisterhood 

10. This is why we believe in superstitions