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jacket (on sale!) // shorts // sneakers c/o // sunglasses

This may be the 80’s/90’s kid in me, but I have a deep love for windbreakers. Whether I am going to and from a workout or casually running errands, I’ll throw on a windbreaker. What you wear between those sweat sessions can help you achieve your goals; cause if you are not feeling great going into the workout, you may carry that attitude throughout the class. There are plenty of times I have been almost late to my workout because I can’t decide what garment of clothing I am going to sport; mostly due to the weather. Windbreakers, however, never disappoint me. I wear them throughout the summer and cooler seasons like fall and spring. They are light enough to wear when the temps are high; I will throw on a windbreaker when I am only wearing a sports bra to class but do not want to walk around NYC in a bra. Power to those who do it, I just feel uncomfortable if I do.


jacket (on sale!) // shorts // sneakers c/o // sunglasses

What I love about this breeze jacket is that it’s not only a beautiful color, but the back is half mesh making the air circulate easier in areas where you may sweat more. This way when you throw it on after a workout, wear it on a summer day, or take a jog with it on, your body can feel the breeze and breath easier. It’s also water-resilient, as most windbreakers are. Windbreakers have been around for a few decades now and as I do not foresee them ever going away, they are an essential activewear item everyone must have as part of their wardrobe.