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Fashion, especially fast fashion, is one of the leading culprits for pollution. When you throw out an article of clothing it ends up at landfills (US has over 3K), which are then ultimately burned. When clothing is burned it pollutes the air with carbon dioxide, methane and other gases. It also effects water and soil. The chemicals from the dye leachate into the ground. Of course you can donate your clothes to local charities, sell them on Poshmark or Ebey, or donate it to Goodwill. But what about items that are damaged or stained? What do you do then? Don’t ever throw your clothes out in the trash, just don’t. Instead there are plenty of places to take such items for it to be recycled; H&M, Patagonia, The North Face, and Eileen Fisher (only takes EF items) all have programs for you to donate that will become recycled material. Unfortunately I am currently having a hard time finding a place to donate old sneakers. If you know of a place to donate, please let me know!

Sustainability is becoming popular amongst brands and companies and for good reason too. It amazes me when I go to a press preview and they say things like “this top is made out of recycled plastic water bottles”. It feels exactly the same as if it were regular fabric. It blows my mind. I think it’s wonderful that fashion brands are starting to incest in sustainable clothing and recycle material. I know that not all of the brands I love are sustainable, and maybe some day they will be, but for now I am happy for the initiative that a few brands are taking to clean up our planet. So what brands are sustainable? You truly can’t tell unless you do your research, here are a few brands that I love that you can wear guilt free.





Outdoor Voices



Mara Hoffman






Eileen Fisher






Amour Vert



Girlfriend Collective