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shirtdress // espadrilles // circle bag c/o // sunglasses // lemon not included

When life gives you lemons… well you make yourself a glass of French 75 of course! (my favorite cocktail by the way). If I have learned anything about my some-odd years on this earth, it’s that no matter what life throws at you, know to stay positive through it all. It’s hard to do and it’s something I am not always the best at. But it is something I try to work on. Last weekend was a testament to my patience, optimism, and all around psych. If something could go wrong it did. From stepping in a dog’s number 2 to being a half hour late (I HATE being late) to a client meeting because a man had a seizure on my subway (hope he is ok!) to my bank putting a hold on my card because of an online purchase I made causing me to be stuck at Harold Square with no way out because my metro card was empty and with a meeting in half an hour uptown to basically just sucking at my workouts. Much more happen but I will keep those personal. By Sunday I was in a terrible mood. It was definitely my turn for New York to take swings at me.

Through my downs I gave in to the negativity. All I wanted to do was crawl into my bed, shut down for a little while and give up, but I couldn’t. Through every twist and turn the universe threw at me, no matter how angry I got I kept repeating a few mantras in my mind; “you can push through this”…. “keep going”…. “things fall apart for something better to happen”….. “there is a reason for all of this”. Trying to make lemonade out of lemons.


shirtdress // espadrilles // circle bag c/o // sunglasses // lemon not included

Through all my angry, anxiety attack emotions,  I knew what goes down must come back up. There was a reasoning for all of this and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. I know things could be so much worse; there is currently a hurricane ripping away homes and people’s beloved memories, but when one thing after another goes wrong it gets to you. It was a terrible stroke of bad luck.

As time went on things got better. My emotions turned into happiness again, my luck turned around as well. Last night I saw Reese Witherspoon speak at her Whiskey in a Teacup book tour. For those of you who know me, know that I LOVE Reese Witherspoon! Ever since I saw her in the movie Fear with Mark Wahlberg back in the 90’s, she has been my favorite actress. As years went on she became more than just a person I enjoyed watching on the big screen, she became my idol. The epitome of positivity, charm, humor, hard work, great taste, and why I have always had a thing for the south; I have really looked up to her through these years as someone I want to be like. Seeing Reese speak came at the perfect moment. I needed a reminder to look at the positive in every situation, how to handle things gracefully, and to love the life I lead. Not everything is going to go my way and that is ok. As long as I stay true to who I am, stay grateful for what I have, and tackle any obstacle the universe throws at me, I will be just fine. And know there will always be enough lemons to turn into a French 75.

And if you are wondering– yes I did tear up a little when she walked out and yes it was the best night of my life!

