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yellow rain jacket // white high rise denim // leather loafers // sunglasses // chambray bottom down

I am home in Columbus for a week to celebrate Easter and spend time with my family. It is raining here and the day is pretty gloomy. Luckily I have my cute yellow raincoat from Barbour to wear. It makes any cloudy, rainy day much brighter and happier.

A few weeks ago I discussed wanting to get a new raincoat in a blog post here. I already have a classic trench coat and an old raincoat from J.Crew that looks as though it has been through the wringer. I needed a new everyday raincoat that I can throw on and go. Barbour was one of the first brands that I looked at knowing they make quality clothing. I wanted a coat that would last a long time, had a hood, was durable, colorful, and stylish. This Barbour Trevose yellow raincoat was the perfect choice! I am already obsessed with it. The hood is detachable which is nice to have the option. The lining is beacon striped print, adding a nice detailing. The closure is a zipper and buttons.

yellow rain jacket // white high rise denim // leather loafers // sunglasses // chambray bottom down

There is something classic and timeless about yellow raincoats. It reminds me of the movie Singing In The Rain. Of course I am no stranger to singing in the rain or any type of weather, but now I look even more the part. To be honest I enjoy rainy days. I find them calm, refreshing and a little romantic. Like the rain is washing away worry or stress. If it is only misting outside and I have no place of relevance to go to I will just walk in the rain with no umbrella. I do not mind the way it feels. Now with this bold color raincoat I can feel cheery running around the city while it’s down-pouring on me.  And with spring finally here and April showers looming over us, I say a yellow raincoat is exactly what I need.

