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tank // sports bra // pullover // towel // gym bag // water bottle // leggings // fitbit // hoodie  headphones // athletic shoes // yoga mat


New year, new you, new resolutions! When a new year begins we all set an intention of what we want to accomplish or experience. For most, this intention is to become healthier. I am a firm believer in taking care of yourself through exercise, healthy eating, and living in a happy state of mind. This year my resolution is to add pilates to my workout routine and to get back to a paleo/clean-eating lifestyle.To jump-start my resolution on the right note, a guarantee that I will not fail, I started a 2 week clean eating cleanse today….. I apologize in advance if my posts are a little harsh, know it is only because I am hangry….

If you are one whose resolution is to start going to the gym, I know it can be difficult to get motivated. I have posted tips on how to get motived in this past post here, but I believe a major key element is looking good while working out. It is true! Buy yourself a cute workout attire or a new accessory, and it will get you motivated to want to wear or use them. A new tank and a pair of leggings is a great start—and since it is cold, throw on a hoodie to warm up in. These towels are a godsend, truly they are! I have 5 of them and still want more. A Fitbit is the perfect way to stay motivated by tracking your results. If you have a 9 to 5, packing all of your workout clothes and gear in this gym bag is a certified way you will make it to your workout class that evening.

What is your resolution?