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nordstrom early access sale

Still thinking about a certain item from this past fall or maybe there is a beauty device you’ve been eyeing but it’s a little out of our price range? Well today is the day you finally snatch the item you can’t stop thinking about. Today marks the start of the Nordstrom Early Access Anniversary Sale! Right now the sale is only available to card holders. Believe me when I say getting a Nordstrom card is SO worth it. The checkout process if easier, plus you get rewards.  The sale will open up to the general public on July 20th and will end on August 5th for all. Plenty of time to shop, shop, and shop!

As the sale progresses Nordstrom will add more items to the Anniversary Sale, so don’t forget to check back here at B&B for my must have items. I have gathered together some of  favorites from the Nordstrom Early Access Sale like dresses, fall and winter coats, jeans and trousers, tops and sweaters, beauty exclusives, shoes, and much more. It’s an easy way to navigate through the sale for a quick way to shop.



Coats and Blazers

Tops and Sweaters

Jeans and Pants


Beauty Exclusives 



