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Summer is the time for travel, exploring new places and revisiting old favorites. Although we are more out and about during the sunshine season, we don’t always stay as active while we are on vacation. Or even think about being active while we are trying to relax, but just because we are on vacation does not mean exercise is out of the question. While on vacation I have always been one that wants to do activities and explore. It’s a way to get moving if there isn’t a gym hotel or fitness class to attend, because lets face it who wants to go to a fitness class when you can hang by the pool. 

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1. Stretch: Start the day and end the day by doing stretches and yoga poses in your bedroom (or outside if you have the luxury). If you are on a vacation where you tend to do a lot of walking, stretching will help relieve cramps. If you were laying by the pool all day, stretching will activate the muscles you neglected all day. The best part about doing yoga (you don’t have to go all yogi) and stretching, it’s easy to do it anywhere and at anytime. 

2. Explore The City: The easiest and most fun way to get active while on vacation is to plan activities that involve walking around the city and exploring. No better way to get a personal experience than frolicking around. Go site seeing, visits museums, walk to the dinner spot instead of taking a taxi, go shopping at the local mall, etc. There is so many things you can do that will get you on your feet walking instead of driving. 

3. Plan Active Activities: To tag onto exploring the city, while you are there find an activity or two that will get you moving. Try surf lessons or play volleyball to get active at the beach. Go for a hike or kayak if you can. Bike around the town while you are exploring. Find a day or two in your vacation to do active activities. 

4. Go Swimming: Although I enjoy doing activities vacation is meant to be relaxing. I love nothing more than to lay on the beach or by the pool all day listening to music or reading a book. When I do this I always end up going swimming. It’s a fun, easy way to stay active on your lazy tanning days. Even if you walk around the kitty pool or simply walk the beach, it’s leisure and active at the same time. 

5. Go Running: If you are really craving a good sweat or want to stay in tip-top shape while on vacation, go for a run. No equipment needed except the GPS on your phone. You will burn calories while exploring the city at the same time. Usually if I want to go running on vacation I’ll do it first thing in the morning when I know I can get one in. Usually if you wait to do it later, later is always fills up with sightseeing or an extra hour at the pool. You do not have to get in your usual 3 or 7 mile run, even if it is only for 10-20 minutes you are still getting in a good workout. Also I always pack my workout clothes like a tank and running shoes to ensure that I can workout when I am away. 

*Thank you adidas for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Photos by Emily Byrski





