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“Anything that is not a vibration of love is a distraction”

-Kelly Rutherford

Happy Friday and happy Adele 30 release day to those that celebrate! I’ve been listening to Adele all morning and am loving her new album. It really makes all other current new music sound amateur. It’s hard to go back to catfish once you tasted caviar. She is a genius both lyrical and musical. My favorite songs so far are Oh My God and I Drink Wine. This past week has been a busy one filled with events, campaigns, domestic and work responsibilities. Last weekend I attended the Big Apple Circus. It was my second time attending. It’s something that I suggest going to at least once. The Big Apple Circus has been around since 1977. They usually they have some celebrity opening the season as Head Ringmaster. This year they did not have one, but the last time I went it was Neil Patrick Harris. Anyway, I still enjoyed the acts that were performing. One was Matt Johnson who did a few Houdini inspired tricks; trapped in water chained, another in a straitjacket. I am obviously no stranger to the works of Houdini, but seeing these acts in person is really entertaining. I think the last time I saw this type of an act was back in the early 90s when my family went to see David Copperfield live. The other act at the BAC that was enjoyable was the famous  Wallenda family. You know who the Wallenda family is without realizing it. Nik Wallenda is the guy that has been doing all those daredevil stunts; walking the tightrope over the Grand Canyon, volcanos, Times Square, etc. The Wallenda family has been a tightrope act since 1920s. They even introduce tightrope walking to the United States. It was pretty cool to see this famous family do their thing – even Nik’s 70 year old mother joined them. Big Apple Circus runs until the end of January.

Wednesday night I went to the Gershwin Theatre to see Wicked. It was my first broadway show post-pandemic. It was a joyful, emotional feeling being back in the theatre watching a musical. Thank God broadway is back! This is my 2nd time seeing Wicked; the first time was probably 15 years ago. Although I remember most of the storyline, and of course know all of the songs, there were still a few surprises that I forgot about. Both the actresses playing Glinda and Elphaba were phenomenal! If you haven’t seen Wicked yet, definitely do so!! One of the best broadway shows I’ve seen.

Yesterday I went to the Tractenberg Ski Chalet Winter Beauty Event at the 11 Howard hotel. They usually have a beauty event once or twice a year, but this is their first one back since the pandemic started. It felt great to be back at an event. I ran into a few friends: Sabrina and Gita. It was so nice to see them and catch up! At the event they had makeup and skincare lines, healthy snacks and drinks, people doing your hair and eyelashes, etc. NAO Wellness put ear seeds on me. Ear seeds are little round balls that are placed on certain areas on your ear as acupressure points. It’s like getting acupuncture. The early Chinese concept is that your outer ear is a map to your body. Each placement of the seeds targets certain areas of your body. For me, where she placed the ear seeds, targets back pain. I have 6 ear seeds on my ear; 3 on each side. They last about 3-5 days. What happens when you place the ear seed, just like acupuncture, it creates the release of natural endorphins in your body. There are a lot of benefits to ear seeds; helps with anxiety, weight loss, depression, fertility, immune system, allergies, and more. Another company that I chatted with at the event was Hello Gorgeous. It’s a new vodka spritzers company that is sourced from the South of France. They will be launching in 2022.

What I bought: I was not planning on buying anything this week, then Hill House decided to have a major sale. And… well.. I couldn’t resist. I ended up buying this navy nap dress. Yes, another nap dress. Let me live my life. I realized I didn’t have a nap dress I could wear in the beginning of the fall. My trellis print was too summery to wear, and the tartan print is too wintery/ holiday. The navy one will be perfect to wear throughout the fall, spring, and summer seasons. Hill House has a pop-up store on Mercer st. that I decided stop by earlier this week. NYC friends: they have the tartan print there to shop if you wanted that one for the holidays. It is sold out online. Not sure what sizes they still have, but saw that it is there. Anyway, I tried on a few dresses and this coat but ended up only buying this hand towel. I needed a new towel to dry my face and since it was on sale I decided to get it.

Speaking of sales…. Nicola Bathie is currently having a 30% off sale (code blackfriday). I bought these pearl bow earrings that I have been eyeing forever. I also have my eye on these pearl embellished studs, these garden rose earrings, and these London blue mismatched studs.

What I am watching: I started season 3 of Dickinson. I am only on episode 2, but so far I am enjoying the new season. What I like about this show is that it hasn’t lost its wit. The cadence of punch lines and the choreographic movements makes Dickinson a great show. It’s quirky and fun. A mixture of modern and 19th century culture.

I also started The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip. I have only seen episode 1, but already love it. Boy do they dislike Ramona. I get it. I’ve been watching RHONY since the beginning and know what kind of person Ramona is. She is a hard pill to swallow when you first meet her, and she does not have a filter. It’s bizarre to see her in another setting outside of the NYC Housewives; as we are all so used to her behavior and the women usually let things go. But the women on this trip are different and call Ramona out on her behavior right away. Which is good. I also think the women are bonding by making fun of Ramona, which I do not like. I think that is just as catty. I really love this concept of mixing the Housewives together, seeing how different franchises mix. Cant wait to dive into the rest of the episodes.

This weekend I am heading home to Columbus for Thanksgiving. I am going to be in Columbus for 10 days as I have a few celebrations to attend. Tomorrow is my niece’s 1st birthday. At first we were going to celebrate it on Sunday, but it was changed to Wednesday night so other family members who live out of state could make it. I can’t believe she is already 1 years old! Then of course there is Thanksgiving which I will be with my family. Then after Thanksgiving is my dads retirement party. He is retiring after being with the bank since 1978. It was his first real job right out of college and he worked his way up the company. Never left the company, which in this day and age is really impressive. I am proud of him for all he has accomplished and he deserves a little R&R. Now he just needs to find a hobby….

Also this weekend I am attending my childhood best friend dad’s funeral. He passed away recently and they are having his funeral this weekend. Which is why I am going home so early. He was truly a wonderful man, and it’s hard to believe he is no longer here. It will be nice to see my friend in person and give her a hug. We’ve talked on the phone and texted a few times, but there is nothing like giving your friend a hug when they need it the most. I am glad to be there for her and to be spending time with my family.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Adele’s interview with Apple Music

2. Loving Jenn’s new holiday collection

3. This pearl sweater is perfect for the holidays

4. Mary Janes are trendy again

5. Taylor Swift’s guide to NYC

6. Unique Christmas decor ideas

7. Every outfit Kristen Stewart wears in Spencer

8. Harry Styles has a nail polish brand

9. How to maintain your vintage clothes

10. Benefits of gratitude and how to practice it



Sales happening this weekend

Hill House Home up to 50% off

Nicola Bathie 30% off code: blackfriday

J.Crew 50% off coats

Nordstrom up to 50% off Black Friday sale

Shopbop up to 50% off designer sale

Ann Taylor holiday collection up to 50% off

Anthropologie 20% off select gifts