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“Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back.

Every thought we think is creating our future.”

-Louise Hays

Happy Friday! New York is completely open and all mandated restrictions have been lifted! New York is back!! I am over joyed that the city finally feels back to normal. Of course there is still so much that has change. It’s also nice to see people, including myself, wear mask indoors still even though it’s not required– especially in the subway. I think I will be wearing a mask in the subway for eternity, it’s gross in there. But everyone is out and about; people are meeting up with their friends for the first time in over a year, events are back, dating is back, dressing up is back, everything that makes NYC NYC is back!

This past week was busy and I am happy to say that! Last weekend I attended my first event, and rightfully it was with DanceBody x WKND Nation. WKND Nation has a pop-up on Gansevoort for a month. It’s in the cute store where the front looks like it’s from the 50/60s. Anyway, I had a blast at the event; dancing and mingling. It felt SO GOOD to actually dance again. I have been doing DanceBody at-home classes, but it’s not the same. I never do things full out because I do not have the room, and I barely jump to be courteous to my neighbors. I loved being back and dancing my heart out. I was definitely sore the follow few days. I wasn’t at all worried about not wearing a mask while at the event. It only felt a little weird at the beginning because I am use to talking to people through my mask, but quickly got over it.

Also over the weekend was the L.E.A.F flower festival in Meatpacking. It was really lovely to see all of the floral installations. They had 100 florists participating in the festival and 1 million flowers used. Some of the installations consisted of a rainbow, an image of the empire state building, a world, and more. I shared more photos here on my IG. They also had booths where you could purchase flowers. I bought a gorgeous bouquet from Oh Fleur.

Wednesday night I attended my second event with Nina Shoes at Maman. I ran into a few of my blogging friends and it was so nice to catch up with them. At the event we were able to get a mani/pedi with Glamsquad. The first time in over a year and half I have gotten my nails done. Nina Shoes had a large display of upcoming seasonal collections plus bridal collection. Nina herself was there and she walked me through each collection, along with her top designer, explaining why they choose certain colors and details for each shoe. It was very interesting to listen to their thought process in designing. It was also interesting to hear what is currently popular and selling out fast. Right now blocked heels are the biggest trend as well as colors such as yellow, lavender, and mint. But besides the shoe collection, I didn’t know the history of Nina and she explained a little of her background. Her father and uncle started Nina Shoes in the 50s after, of course, Nina when she was born. Their first location was Prince Street here in New York. Years later Nina took over the company and is still running it to this day. Pretty amazing!

I enjoyed the event so much I went back to Maman’s the next morning. Only kidding! I had this lunch date on the schedule for a few weeks. I met up with Sam, from The New York Blonde, at Maman for lunch to catch up. We, obviously, haven’t seen each other since before the pandemic. We sat and chatted for a long time about everything. It was so nice to see my friend again and to be social! Also Maman is a great place for brunch, lunch, or just to grab coffee/tea.

After chatting with my friends over this past week I think the consensus is that we can not run at the same speed we did prior to the pandemic. We were all going from event to event and it was draining. Do not get me wrong, events can be a lot of fun and I am so very grateful I am invited. But it is still work. You have to be 100% on your A-game as you network, pitch yourself, mingle, and run social. I was pretty drained and needed a break before the pandemic hit, and my friends felt the same way. We all agree we are going to value our time and be picky with what brands we work with and what events we attend. It’s what they say: work smarter, not harder.

What I am watching: Early this week I binged watched Panic on Amazon Prime. It’s about a group of recently graduated seniors in a small town in Texas. There is a tradition that graduating seniors can participate in a game called Panic, where throughout the summer they do dangerous activities as a competition. Whoever wins the entire thing takes home all of the prize money that was raised throughout the school year. I believe it’s 50K. Anyway, no one knows who runs the game or who the judges are. There are a few mysteries surrounding the game and the players from the past and present. I highly suggest watching. It was really good!

What I bought: I am working on a collaboration with Sézane so I got this white ruffle embroidered dress. It’s a cute dress to throw on to wear everyday but could also work well for a bridal shower or worn to a baby shower.

This weekend I am going out to dinner with Emily. She is in town for a few days, so we are meeting for dinner and drinks to catch up. Other than that I have nothing else planned. It is suppose to be nice out so I will go on a run or two. There are still a few new attractions I haven’t been to like The Little Island, the new lawn at Lincoln Center, and the Harry Potter store. Maybe I will stop by one of them this weekend and check it out. I, unfortunately, will not be celebrating Father’s Day with my dad this year. I sent him a card, a gift, and will be calling him to say hello (even though I talk to him everyday ha). Perhaps I’ll get ice cream or order myself brunch as a way to celebrate. And of course this weekend I will be watching The Housewife and The Hustler. Can’t wait!

Have a wonderful weekend xo



1. Carpool karaoke with the cast of Friends

2. A pretty floral dress to wear daily

3. Eyeing this cute clutch

4. This ruffle top is only $24

5. Biggest trends from Resort 2022

6. Expert advice for hosting any type of summer gathering 

7. What the future of the American house looks like

8. Introducing eye yoga: helps with headaches and vision

9. Loved looking through these old Ralph Lauren ads

10. The woman behind Lilly Pulitzer’s original prints