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“As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it”

-Andy Warhol

Happy Friday!! Are we still looking forward to the weekend or does it not matter anymore- that everyday feels the same? I still look forward to the weekend, even though I usually still do some work and no longer have a social life. My weekends are filled with taking long walks, watching movies, sleeping in, reading, perhaps shopping. The simple things in life.

This past week was one for the history books. Did you watch the Inauguration? I watched most of it. It was nice of the new president to attend the JLo concert. When she added “Lets Get Loud” at the end of “America The Beautiful”, I swear she healed my seasonal depression. I also got teary-eyed listening to Garth Brooks sing “Amazing Grace”- that was so beautiful. He has such a calm voice. I also watched the evening special, but honestly found it to be boring. I wish they were able to have the traditional Presidental Inauguration Ball- think of all of the fashion moments that could have been! Anyway, the celebration felt like every other pandemic special we have seen this past year. Sure it was nice to see the performances, but there wasn’t anything that blew me away. I know they had to make do with what they could based on the current state of the country, and I honestly don’t know what else they could have done. Just wasn’t anything to write home about in my opinion. My favorite part, however, was when Bush, Clinton, and Obama spoke about uniting America. I thought they did a great job talking about respecting each others political differences, loving thy neighbor, and uniting for the good of the country. Well said!

Besides the political affairs, I spent the week working out, finishing my book, and working on creating content. I did a photoshoot with my photographer Lauren. I am excited to post the photos once they are edited. I spent most of the week journaling it feels like. I always write every night in a journal before I go to bed; a way of saying my prayers, releasing whatever emotions I have that day, and being grateful for things. But this past week I was journaling more than just in the evening. I’ve been really working on detaching myself from outcomes- people, places, career, outer influences. As a virgo I like to be in control of things, so detaching myself from the end goal is hard for me to do. I think it stems from insecurity.  I’ve been journaling on why I feel this way or that way, and why I have insecurities about certain aspects of it all. It’s been pretty cathartic and I’ve realized a lot about myself. It’s also very freeing to not get so worked up if things are not going as planned because I know one way or another things will eventually work out– and sometimes even better than my original thought.

What I am watching: I started The Flight Attendant on HBO. I am only on episode 3 but absolutely love it and recommend! It stars Kaley Cuoco, who I am actually not a fan of. However, she does not bother me in the show. Anyway, I don’t want to give too much away but it’s a who-done-it type mystery. Kaley Cuoco is a flight attendant mixed up in the case. It’s pretty good so far!

This weekend I have nothing planned except to get a new book and return a few items. I will also take my weekly long walk somewhere in the city if weather permits. Maybe I will surprise myself and go sit outdoors at a restaurant and have a drink or two like the good old days. Or maybe i’ll just have a glass in my apartment! Either way I am looking forward to another relaxing weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. A history of all the First Lady fashions on Inauguration Day

2. Would make a pretty Valentin’s Day Dress

3. How beautiful is the blouse?

4. I need this sports bra

5. What the ladies of Sex and The City shoulder wear in 2021

6. Love seeing old New York issues of Architectural Digest

7. I’ve always swooned over Patricia Altschul Charleston home

8. For your love of curb appeal

9. Home decor ideas based on your Zodiac

10. Unexpected Valentine’s Day date ideas