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outdoor voices

fleece jacket // leggings // sneakers // headband // Starbucks cup not included

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the abyss of leisure. You wake up each day with no concept of time, wearing the same sweats as the day before. Our only responsibilities are to finish off the Christmas cookies before our New Year’s resolution starts. It’s the most blissful week of the year.

We have been experiencing this obscurity since the beginning of the year without the bliss. We’ve mastered the art of idleness. Our leisurewear is top tier with matching sweat sets. We have more leggings than party tops. And yet I am still shopping for more stay-at-home outfits than ever before.

outdoor voicesoutdoor voicesoutdoor voicesoutdoor voicesoutdoor voicesoutdoor voices

fleece jacket // leggings // sneakers // headband

Sometime in the first few months of the pandemic I took off my everyday sweatpants that I was living in and started to dress for the day. In the summer I would throw on a house dress, and in the winter I am opting for cute athleisurewear. Leggings that have never seen the inside of a fitness studio, but have been around town. A fleece jacket to keep me warm as I step outside in the cold. An over-sized sweater for comfort and fashion. As I embark on the most tranquil week of the year, I will be doing it in style.