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“Reflect each day on all you have to be grateful for

and you will receive more to be grateful for”


Happy Friday! Whether you were with friends, family, or alone, I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving yesterday. I was able to celebrate with my immediate family for a very small gathering. It was sad to not be able to spend it with my entire family but am grateful for the little celebration we had.

I arrived in Ohio this past Sunday and have been quarantined at my parent’s house ever since. Having been alone for 5 months it’s been nice to be around other people. My mental health was really dwindling and I needed human connection. There were days I would just break down from feeling so lonely and isolated. And days I would get so angry when I see people going out every weekend. I do not think you have to be a saint right now, especially during the holiday season when we are used to having a festive time. Being alone during the holidays can be detrimental to our mental health, especially after a year of isolation. So yes, I believe we need human connection during the holiday season. Safely gathering with a friend or two, or with a few family members to celebrate is what we need. But to go out every weekend, attend holiday parties, I do not think is right. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating to see. Please be safe and make smart decisions this season. Now that bars and restaurants are closing due to an impending second wave, it’s important we make these sacrifices so we can have better days.

This entire week I have been hanging out with my family. I met my new-born niece who is now only a week old. She is the cutest thing in the world. I made her laugh the other day and my heart basically exploded. While I was holding her I dipped her then made her hands clap and she laughed. So of course I had to do it again to get another laugh and right after I dipped her she threw up all over me. Good times. Oh well, it was worth it hearing that cute giggle. I’ve also been playing with my other niece who is 3 years old. Being around the two of them makes me forget all of the lows of this entire year. How happy and joyful the two of them are, reminds me to be grateful for what I have. Without the pandemic, I wouldn’t have been spending as much time with them or my parents as I have this year. For that alone, I am grateful for 2020.

This year has taught me to be grateful for what I do have, the people in my life, and what is important. My entire family is healthy and doing well. I am healthy. My friends are healthy and happy. I am grateful for the roof over my head, that I have food every day, and that I still have a job. I am grateful to still be living in New York, the city I love so much. I am very grateful for my blog and how it has kept me going this year- something to look forward to. I am grateful to all of you for the continuous support not only by reading this blog and following me on social media but also by sending me DMS to discuss fashion or a book or a TV show. And for purchasing still through my blog. I am forever grateful to those of you who do so! It has kept me afloat this year- allowing me to continue to do what I love and to bring more fashion and lifestyle content to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Something else 2020 has also taught me is what I do want in life. It has been on my mind for years but this past year has made me realize how much I want to settle down and start a family. I can’t think of anything better in life than to have this blessing. It’s God timing, however, not mine. This past year has made me realize how ready I am for this next stage in my life. Does this mean I am leaving New York? No. At least I have no plans to right now. I believe I can have both- the city and a family. But if it is God’s will for me to leave then it will become apparent to me when it’s the right time. When it is my season, my time, my turn, it will happen. I just have to stay patient.

Although our Thanksgiving was a small gathering, we were still able to have turkey and all of the yummy side dishes. What is your favorite side dish? Mine is stuffing. Always has been. It’s so good! I also love pumpkin pie and was thankful I was able to have a slice yesterday. In the morning my parents and I watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I have to be honest I think I enjoyed the parade more this year. I loved how they had a little part of each parade that was sadly canceled this past year, showcasing different cultures. I also liked how Broadway shows and the entertainment had more time to perform. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good Marching Band, but this was a welcoming change. After the parade, I watched a little of the National Dog Show while helping my mom prepare the Thanksgiving meal. Too stinking cute! We had a lot of fun yesterday and made the most of the unprecedented time.

What I am watching: I am finally watching The Crown! I waited so I could watch it with my mom. We are still at the beginning of the season but already loving it. I know a lot of things happened to the Royal family during this period, but I really only care about Diana at this point. I am excited to see more of Charles and Diana’s relationship.

What I bought: Since there are a few sales going on right now I took the liberty to buy a few items for myself. Beautycounter is having 15% off sitewide. I bought this Countermatch Recovery Sleeping Cream. For clothing, I bought this fleece jacket for 50% off. Grace Rose Farm was sweet enough to send me this candle, this rose water, and this perfume. All currently 20% off.

This weekend I will be watching the Ohio State game with my parents. Most likely watching holiday movies— Hallmark is permanently on in our house. I will be starting my holiday shopping—shared a few of my favorite Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales on the blog. Other than the above, I will just be enjoying spending time with my family.

Have a wonderful weekend xo



1. Why ‘Gilmore Girls’ endures

2. A classic holiday dress for 30% off

3. I want these bow mules

4. This white blouse is perfect for the holidays

5. Love this interview with Alice Naylor-Leyland

6. Best new Christmas movies of 2020

7. Yummy Thanksgiving leftover recipes

8. Love Sam’s interview on her holiday wish list

9. Ways to keep your mental health strong over the holidays

10. Which music to listen to at every moment to feel your best