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floral cardigan

cardigan // jeans (similar) // white tee c/o // sneakers // headband // circle bag c/o 

At the beginning of the fall season I wasn’t looking to add any more sweaters to my closet. I even got rid of a few that I haven’t worn in years. Then I stumbled upon this floral cardigan and this floral sweater and I knew I had to have them. Florals for fall? Now that is groundbreaking. There are two things I am trying to do this season: 1. bring color into the colder seasons. 2. take advantage of florals being a top fall trend.  I’ve been wearing both of my sweaters with either jeans or leggings for work from home looks. When spring arrives I know I will wear them over dresses, skirts, and shorts. Now that I have my floral sweaters for the fall, I can’t help but shop for more.