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dress c/o // shoes // clutch (similar) // earrings // sunglasses

The other day when I was getting dressed to go run errands, I was browsing through my summer wardrobe. There are so many cute dresses that I have yet to wear this summer; just hanging there waiting to be worn. I started going through the inventory of outfits that have been on rotation over the past month or so and realized how tired I am of wearing them everywhere. That is when I decided that I am no longer going to let the pandemic influence my fashion choices. If I want to wear a cute floral dress or high heels I am going to.


dress c/o // shoes // clutch (similar) // earrings // sunglasses

What I love about living in NYC is that I know I am not alone in wanting to dress up. I still see women walking around in summer dresses, wearing heels to grab a curbside drink, looking chic while grabbing brunch with friends. It’s a wear whatever you feel like type of city. Sure there are days where I throw on a baseball cap and wear leggings and a tank to go to the grocery store. Then there are days I put on a floral dress and walk around the city aimlessly. I wear what makes me happy at the moment; whatever fits my mood.  If that means dressing up a little bit more than normal during a pandemic, then so be it. Wear what makes you happy. One thing we have learned this past year is that life is too short to not do what you love and wear what makes you feel good. For me,  wearing a summer dress makes me feel better. It makes me happy, and that is all that matters.