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“Sometimes you have to be selfish to be selfless”

-Edward Albert

Happy Friday! Currently, I am quarantining myself along with the rest of NYC as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic. I am trying my best to stay calm, take precautions when out and about, staying home as much as I can, and educating myself on the virus. I am less worried about myself than I am about transferring it to someone who may not be able to handle the virus. This morning I ran into a friend at Starbucks and couldn’t even hug him hello. I love to give hugs, so it is making me sad that we can’t physically touch one another.  We both started to go in for the hug then quickly stepped back. My fear is that after this is all over, are we going to completely forgo basic human connections? I hope not. We are already so distant from connecting personally with each other through social media, it would be harmful for us to not give a friendly handshake or a loving hug.

Then there are those who are suffering because we are not wanting to come into contact with each other; small businesses and freelancers. I saw on Instagram a statement being passed around that you can help small businesses who will greatly suffer from this by buying gift certificates from them; it helps them financially now, and then you can use it when this is all over. Another reminder is to be extra kind to those who are working– at coffee shops, grocery stores and especially in the medical fields. They are all extremely overwhelmed, tired, and worried. Let us give them extra love and support these next few weeks.

Since NYC is in a state of emergency a lot of my events and press previews were canceled this past week. It was supposed to be an extremely busy week. The only event I went to this past week was DAYBREAKER. It has been on my NYC bucket list to go, so I was over the moon excited when I got an invite. For those of you unfamiliar with DAYBREAKER they are a dance community that happens, I believe, twice a month. It starts at 6am with a wellness workout like yoga or pilates for an hour. The workout for this particular event was The Class by Taryn Toomey. The Class, which I have done before, is a wonderful experience in itself. I ended up crying a little during the workout (which is pretty normal for the class). I was a bad mood when I walked in due to being harassed by a drunk man on the subway at 5:30am who was making me feel extremely uncomfortable as he was in my face making sexual comments. I needed to get on the train so there was no escaping him as I inched away and he kept inching closer to me. It was the last thing I wanted to deal with at 5am… So yes I was in an anxious bad mood and I was so tired from lack of sleep. I have also been holding onto a lot of uncertainty, fear of the future, and frustration of not being able to control things. The Class is all about letting go of all of the above, so it was perfect for me to attend. So yes, I screamed loud when directed to and shed a few tears when I repeated in my head “let go”.

After the workout, we cleared the floor and had a 2-hour dance party. This is an experience I will never forget. Dancing like you do not care what anyone thinks, being completely sober, letting loose, “partying” like you are at the club, and just having a great time at 7am before work. They had a DJ playing music and the dance floor was crowded. I loved every minute of this experience. The idea behind DAYBREAKER is to get you to release the natural chemicals in your brain that makes you happy– Endorphins, Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin. And I can honestly say I was in THE BEST mood for the rest of the day. To use a DB term, I was vibing with positivity all day long. I highly suggest going- it pushes you past your comfort zone for sure but makes you feel alive. I can’t wait to go back!

This weekend I am not doing anything except staying home. I will most likely go for walks here and there around the city but doing the best I can to stay away from the public. Amanda Kloot’s is teaching her last AK Dance class tomorrow before she heads back to LA. I want to attend her class and feel this may be a last-minute decision. Other than that I will be watching movies, reading my book, listening to music, napping perhaps, journaling, and enjoying this time of solitude to stay positive.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend xo

1. Betches take on the new ‘Bachelorette’ contestants

2. Perfect dress for vacation

3. Want these bow mules

4. This cute top is under $100

5.30 at-home date ideas

6. What would the characters of ‘Friends’ wear today

7. Home trends you start seeing a lot of

8. How to take care of your mental health surrounding coronavirus

9. Making “slow living spring” a thing

10. Tips, tools, and research for staying healthy right now