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“I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.”

-Jack Kerouac

Happy Friday and Happy New Year!! 2020, here we go!! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? I always jot down my goals and intentions for the year; things I want to achieve and things I want to improve, both big and small. I enjoyed 2019; it had its highs and lows, but overall was pretty pleasant. I am excited to see what experiences and opportunities 2020 brings. Hoping this is another great year, an even better year!

After a wonderful long break at home in Columbus for Christmas, I flew back to New York this past Monday. I have been feeling a little blue since being back. Maybe my seasonal affective disorder has kicked-in early. Do not get me wrong, I am happy to be back in the city and was ready to get back, but I miss my family so much!

To be honest, I haven’t really done much since being back, maybe that is why I am feeling blue. I’ve been vegging out in front of my TV binge-watching You on Netflix. Also have been thoroughly cleaning and organizing my apartment. New Year’s Eve was very low-key but still fun. For the first time I did the old NYE superstition from Spain of eating 12 grapes after the stroke of midnight. Each grape is supposed to represent the 12 months ahead and to bring good luck. Here’s to hoping it works!

This weekend I have nothing planned and probably will be a hermit. I am feeling a little under the weather– not enough to keep me in bed, but enough that I do not feel like going out. I have plans to go see Little Women at some point– I am SO excited to see it, I hear great things! I read the book a very long time ago, but I kind of forget some of what happens. I should reread it this year! If you are looking to see another movie, last week I saw Star Wars and LOVED IT!!! It was so good and a nice ending to the saga. I can not wait to go see it again- maybe I’ll have a Star Wars movie marathon this weekend as I become one with the couch?

Anyway, besides being anti-social, I am planning on creating my vision board for the year. I have created one before, it is still in my room at my parent’s house. I was looking at my vision board that I created back in 2014 and was amazed at how much of it has come true. Things that I put on there that came true: moved back to NYC, attended a polo match, went back to the Hamptons, was in Instyle magazine, worked with Kate Spade, found inner peace with certain people and situations, upped my workouts. Things on there that still haven’t happened yet: visit Paris, become a top 200 blogger for RewardStyle and attend RS the Con, get a puppy, buy a house, and buy a Givenchy satchel handbag. The rest of it is photos that inspire me. After realizing how much of my vision board that I created actually manifested, I am excited to put new goals and dreams on the board and see what comes true! After I am completely done with my vision board I’ll share what I created!

Have a wonderful weekend and hope this year is the best year yet for you xo


1. Everything you need to know about the Golden Globes

2. A pretty color for a sweater

3. A cute bridal shower dress

4. To wear on vacation

5. Simple resolutions to improve your life in January

6. Top wellness trends in 2020

7. The best royal style moments of 2019

8. Advice from married couples who’ve been together for 1 to 56 years

9. Kick-off the new year with these inspirational podcast episodes + TED Talks

10. Ways to reset your home for the new year