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j.crew gold skirt

turtleneck c/o // gold skirt // nude heels // clutch // earrings c/o // sunglasses

With Christmas only being two weeks away, it is time to start planning our outfit for this special holiday. My family dresses up more on Christmas Eve than we do Christmas Day. Not to say we dress down, but fancy attire is not required.  We save the festive outfits for church and the annual Christmas Eve party we attend that my parent’s neighbors host. It’s a wonderful evening and may just be my favorite day of the year. For Christmas Eve this year, I am planning on wearing this gold skirt and this cream-colored turtleneck.

j.crew gold skirtj.crew gold skirtj.crew gold skirtj.crew gold skirtj.crew gold skirtj.crew gold skirt

turtleneck c/o // gold skirt // nude heels // clutch // earrings c/o // sunglasses

I love a good skirt and turtleneck combination. It’s elevated but not completely over the top fancy. For my look this year I did not want to wear a traditional holiday color, instead opting for something that sparkles. This gold skirt is the perfect festive touch for a very merry evening.