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rebecca taylor

dress // circle bag // sandals // sunglasses

Yellow is the color that represents happiness, friendliness, positivity, creativity, and hope. It reminds us of the sun beaming bright on a summer day. It’s made to grab your attention but to still be easy on the eyes. It’s a radiant, uplifting color that you should be wearing this summer. It’s proven when wearing yellow it brightens your mood and gives you energy. The color yellow is often associated with youth but I think as adults we need to wear this color more often than not. We need an extra boost of optimism. I know when I wear my yellow dress  I feel happy.

rebecca taylorrebecca taylorrebecca taylorrebecca taylorrebecca taylor

dress // circle bag // sandals // sunglasses

A few years ago while I was shopping I wanted to purchase a yellow dress. The sales person who was helping me said not to wear yellow because of my blonde hair. Which I found to be an odd thing to say. I didn’t listen to him and bought the dress anyway. It became one of my favorite dresses to wear during the spring and summer seasons, and I still have it in my closet. Although there is an ink stain and I should probably get rid of it, but can’t seem to part with it just yet. Anyway, I am glad I did not listen to him and continued to buy yellow dresses throughout the years. If I had listened to him I wouldn’t be running around the city in this beautiful ruffle sleeve yellow dress this summer. And currently looking to add more to my summer wardrobe. Yellow dress were made for summer.