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marchesa notte

dress (similar)

Have you ever wanted to put on an evening gown and frolic around the city like you are in a Disney movie? No… just me? Okay then. Sometimes the only way to lift your spirits is by dressing up with no place to go. It’s like the scene from Friends where Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe wear wedding gowns while drinking beer, eating popcorn, and watching TV. I have ALWAYS wanted to do that in a gown. Well instead of being a couch potato I decided to get a fancy dress and have a little photoshoot…. because why not! You only live once and I had a ball doing it. I felt like I was waiting for a fairy godmother to tell me what to do…. still waiting. We used to play dress up as kids all of the time, why can’t we do it as adults?

marchesa nottemarchesa nottemarchesa nottemarchesa nottemarchesa nottemarchesa nottemarchesa nottemarchesa notte

Besides being the next Disney Princess or villain (whichever gig pays the most), dressing up is not few and far in-between here in  the city. There are plenty of opportunities to wear an evening gown to either a gala or a ball. Something is always going on, and when these special occasions come your way you want to be prepared. I have gathered a few evening gowns that are way too beautiful to only be worn once, you might as well play dress up and wear it while watching TV.