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serena and Lily

Well it’s been a semi bummer of a week. At the end of September I decided that I would be moving out of my apartment and into a studio apartment by November 1st. After looking religiously, or as one of the brokers told me I was “extra hyper”, about looking at apartments I have come to terms that this isn’t the right time to move. Some of the brokers I went through, my own boss, and a good friend of mine who is a broker here in New York, said this is a terrible time to move. That no one is moving out because of the holidays and nothing is available around my budget. Instead I have decided to stay in my current 3 bedroom apartment. I really can’t complain, I do love my apartment and the location. I am just ready to be back on my own. Especially since I work from home, it’s nice to have peace and quiet at all times. I also used to live in a studio apartment in Gramercy before I moved back home to Ohio, which I was obsessed with. I have all of this furniture just sitting in my parents basement waiting for me to use again. I can’t wait to have all of my stuff back with me! My goal is to now move at the beginning of February or March! Fingers crossed! Of course another part of me wants to rent an Airbnb in Charleston for the duration of November and December…..probably won’t happen, but a girl can dream right.

Until I move again, I do have the opportunity to redecorate my current place and will slowly be purchasing items that will go into my future studio apartment. This is perfect timing as Serena & Lily are having their Friends and Family Event where everything is 20% off!!! Serena & Lily always have the cutest stuff and I can’t wait to pick a few pieces out for my home. To shop the sale, which ends on the 15th, use code HOMELOVE. Here are a few of my favorite pieces from the collection.