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There are many people who inspire me for different reasons and in different areas in my life. Whether it’s career, fitness, personal, aesthetics, fashion, and so on, I look up to and get inspired by the people in my life. Today I am partnering with adidas to talk about someone, in my case two people, who inspire me daily, Sarah and Natalie from City Fit Life. You may have heard me talk about my friends on Insta Stories or read about them on the blog; attending their workout classes or one of their events, or even just hanging out. I have known Sarah and Natalie for over a year now and have watched the two of them grow personally and professionally. I, especially, couldn’t be more proud of their growth with City Fit Life. This past year I have watched them work hard as they figure out entrepreneurial life while keeping a positive outlook. Their approach on life and their quest of supporting each other (#megababes) is really why I am inspired by them. They are real about their own struggles with fitness and in life. Their Insta Stories are always filled with funny, relatable memes or inspirational quotes. During their workouts you can tell they are loving what they’re doing; starting and ending with a smile and a laugh. Their positive outlook on life is contagious, and when you mix it in with fitness and
how hard they work, well they are two people whom I want to be like. 

Since I know Natalie and Sarah well and am already a fan of CFL, I wanted to give you the chance to fall in love with them as well with a Q&A.


1. How did you two meet?

Natalie and I met during a professional dance contract for a seasonal show in NYC back in 2011.

2. Why did you start City Fit Life and decide to do it together?

City Fit Life started as a passion project in 2015 when we were roommates. It was a motivational fitness Instagram account. We loved working out together and exploring all of the different types of workouts that New York City has to offer. We began meeting all different types of people who shared that common interest.

3. Why do it on your own instead of teaching at an already established studio?

We loved the idea of getting to create a workout that we loved while also adding our knowledge of how to properly train. Building a passion project turned business from the ground up is definitely not an easy thing to do, especially in New York City. One person can take X amount of classes each week, but if they’re not creating a solid foundation to build upon and truly create that positive relationship with themselves in the process, they’ll plateau at some point and get burnt out. We felt a strong pull towards building a community of people that felt comfortable walking into classes together rather than showing up just to check off a daily workout and then go on with life after that 60 minutes is finished. Working out doesn’t have to be a chore, and we wanted City Fit Life to be a community that empowers people to show up for themselves on a daily basis and also have a community of people to lean on when need be. 


4. How does it work teaching with someone else? What is your formula for constructing a class?

Co-teaching classes has been such a high! It allows one of us to always be at the front of the room instructing while the other is walking around and able to help with hands-on corrections. You definitely have to have a good dynamic while teaching as a duo. Sarah and I have been friends for years, and we have great chemistry. We also decided who is teaching which segments of the class before entering the room. We each have our own unique teaching style so it’s really fun to have a blend of those in class! 

5. I have watched you two grow this past year and am so proud of have far you’ve come! Can you give us a little insight into being entrepreneurs and how you manage running your own business?

It’s a lot of hard work! Sarah is a master at Instagram and tackles the social channel while I love delving into the blog and newsletter. We have been open to numerous opportunities that have come our way, and we have enjoyed spreading our love of fitness and friendship though every teaching experience!


6. You know when you walk into a room and there are people who just light up with room— to me those type of people are you two! You two exuberate positivity that is contagious. Even your Instagram handle radiates positivity and support. Sometimes when I look through your Insta Stories, there is always a quote that I need to see at that moment—- are you reading my mind?….. In all jokes aside, I love to hear people’s philosophy on life. What is yours?

Babes Supporting Babes is our main motto. We started this journey by truly supporting each other and those around us on their fitness journeys. That has been our constant pillar!

7. #Megababes is City Fit Life’s trademark, signature saying. What does it mean to you? How does it give support to your community?

#Megababes was born through our rad community of women. We started using the term, and it naturally caught on to describe the fierce, hard-working females who form the foundation of City Fit Life.


8. Both of you just ran a marathon in Berlin. Between training for running, teaching CFL, and being professional dancers, how do you take care of your bodies?

We are very active, enthusiastic gals and with all of the activity we surround ourselves with we have to make sure to take time for self-care. Sarah loves her epsom salt baths, while I am a regular at the massage place down the street from my house.

9. Do you follow any diets? What’s your take on nutrition

We both operate on a pretty healthy routine day-to-day. I mean, we love our wine, but I would say we are on an 80/20 type diet. 80% of the time we eat mostly whole, healthy foods, while 20% of the time we like to enjoy all that life has to offer. Sarah loves her donuts and I can’t say no to dark chocolate!

10. Where do you see CFL going in the future?

City Fit Life has already become such a huge community. Full transparency, we sometimes struggle with exactly where we want to take it, but we continuously work together to make those tough decisions. We have high hopes and lots of good things on the horizon for the new year. The possibilities are endless! 



*Thank you adidas for sponsoring this post, all opinions are my own.


*photos  by Emily Byrski