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moon river

dress /// sandals (similar) // sunglasses // circle bag c/o // earrings c/o

Last week I attended two events hosted by my favorite podcast, Almost30. Hosted by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simick, this LA based lifestyle podcast is about self care, career, relationships, health, fitness, and more. Really do not let the title of the podcast fool you into thinking only women (or men) who are almost 30 years old can listen. It truly is for anyone at any age. I personally have learned so much from listening to them every Tuesday and Thursday that I have taken my health and the way I view life in a whole new way and to the next level. It really has changed me. If you are not listening to Krista and Lindsey you must! I think you will fall in love with them (they are so funny) like everyone else who has come across their little corner of the podcast world.

Not only do I listen to Almost30 every week but I also follow them on social media and am in an Almost30 facebook group. A group where other women who listen to the podcast and I talk about life, the episodes, and ask for advice. So when I heard that Almost30 was going on tour, I knew I had to see them. Krista and Lindsey were here in NYC for two nights. Originally I bought the ticket for the 2nd night but as time grew closer to the day I decided, why not go to  both events. They were having different panels where I can learn something new from each night. To be honest I originally thought the events were going to be a podcast live recording– which I am very interested in experiencing and would someday love to be on a podcast. But the two events where us listening and interacting with the panelist and each other. Although my dream of witnessing a live podcast didn’t come true I still loved every second of both events.

Tuesday night’s event was at WeWork in Dumbo. This was a small, intimate gathering of about 20 people. The panelists were Transformational Coach and Healer, Alexandra Roxo, and Author of Material Girl, Mystical World and Founder of The Numinous, Ruby Warrington. Before the panel spoke we time to mingle with other attendees eating salads from sweetgreen  drinking Health-Aid Kombucha and Dirty Lemon, and picking out goodies to take home. Lindsey and Krista talked first about how they met (through Soul-Cycle try outs) and how their journey and themselves have changed from doing this podcast. If you have been listening to them for a while you hear a lot about their personal stories and journeys, which I like. Anyway, Lindsey and Krista handed the mics over to Ruby and Alexandra for the rest of the evening to discuss astrology and empowerment work. Astrology I do not completely understand, although I am trying to. I can’t tell you whose zodiac sign is compatible with another sign, or what it really means when Mercury is in retrograde and my Virgo sign is in Venus. I always have to relook up stuff to understand, and sometimes I still don’t. Ruby is all about astrology. She talked about how we are a combination of our sun sign and moon sign, but can be mostly dictated by our moon sign. Our sun sign is the zodiac sign we all know– whatever month/day your birthday lies on. Our moon sign is dictated by the year we were born, time of birth, and location. You can calculate yours here. My sun sign is Virgo and my moon sign is Sagittarius. Your moon sign is your emotional behavior. As a Virgo I am a perfectionist and as a Sagittarius I hate to feel trapped by routine, love adventure, and am cheerful by nature. Accurate on all accounts.

Both Alexandra and Ruby talked about their own personal journey to getting where they are now, how they worked on their own self care, and how they are much happier being themselves. They talked a lot about not being confined in society rules– for instance Ruby is scared of public speaking and usually ends up crying. She says she will shed a few tears during meetings and during talks in groups like this one (she ended up crying), and how it is ok to do it. Who says you can’t cry or show weakness. It was about being your authentic self and not apologizing for it. Then we did breath work where you put one hand on your lower belly and feel yourself breath in and out. This type of breath work is very powerful in centering your self. Our root chakra holds the foundation to our energy, our self awareness, basic needs, and safety. You align your root chakra by grounding your body to the earth and anchoring your energy. During this meditation I was grateful for a few moments of silence and calm. The meditation came at a perfect time for me as my mind had been racing with all sorts of thoughts for a few days. The few moments of silence was refreshing and rejuvenating. This is something I do need to work on, breathing and calming my mind. I am going to make it a goal to do a little breath work everyday– doing it whenever I need it. Sometimes I go through the day and forget to really take a breath. Or my mind is racing and I am not paying attention so at night I end up not being able to fall asleep because I was so many thoughts and ideas running through my head, and my energy levels are high. Breath work, I believe, is something I need to do for my health, my body, and my mind.

After they ended the panel discussion most of us stayed and chit-chatted with one another while eating Snow Monkey ice cream….. SO GOOD! It is a plant-based, dairy free, GF, paleo, vegan, and nut free. I know that does not sound like the guilty pleasure you are looking for, but trust me when I say it is good. I did not get a sick feeling like I usually do when eating ice cream, I also did not feel guilty. Some people even eat the Goji Berry flavor for breakfast as a smoothie. Ice Cream for breakfast!

Wednesday night was the main event and with a lot more people in attendance. I was not prepared for how many people were there (150), after coming off of the night before. This time the event was held at The Assemblage in FiDi. The panelist was Reiki Healer, Speaker and Founder of Wellness Official, Millana Snow . Millana has been on the podcast before so I was familiar with her work. I have also done reiki healing a few times and knew what was to come. Millana talked about what reiki is– it is energy healing– and what the plan was for the evening. But before I get into it the panel, upon arriving I spotted an acquaintance of mine, Erica. We know each other through working out at Body by Simone and through our friends Sarah and Natalie from CityFitLife. Erica and I have talked plenty of times prior to this but always in a group setting, never a one on one. It was nice to spend time with her during the event and really get to know her (we are also neighbors, which we randomly figured out months prior to this). Anyway, the reason why I am bringing up Erica is because Millana talked about how everyone you meet, come in contact with even on the street, is there to give you some sort of message. Whether that message is known to you right away or it hits you later on. It all happens for a reason, everything does. I am a firm believer in that everyone you meet serves a purpose and situations happen to you for your benefit (even if it is bad). A few weeks ago prior to the event Millana said she set an intention for the evening for us to meet the people we are suppose to met for whatever reason. To hear that and to randomly have run into Erica that night, I can’t really explain the realization that everything does happen for a reason. Sure you can say this is all coincidental, but who knows!

Millana had us get into groups of 5. She said as part of her intention for the evening on meeting people. there is a reason why we choose these the 5 people to be in a group with. That there is something we are suppose to learn from and experience with each other. While we were in our groups we were to meditate while listening to music Millana played for us. While meditating she went from group to group, person to person, and did reiki healing on us. This meditation was a really cool experience. Some people in my group saw different colors of lights, one unblocked a past insecurity, others had emotional journeys and I had a pretty trippy experience. Normally when I meditate I fight the urge to see pictures and just concentrate on calming my thoughts. This time around I let it all go to see what happens. The songs that were being played each had a wonderful beat to them, I started to vision myself dancing to the music. While each song  played and each intention was explained I watched myself dancing through different scenarios throughout my life and through different emotions. Dance is a form of expression. Sometimes I have a hard time expressing myself, so in a way dancing through my meditation was me expressing my frustrations or love towards people and events. The last song and intention set by Millana was to meditate on what we need right now– this is when I started to see myself do a lot of trust falls. I interpreted it as I need to understand that I am not alone and there are a lot of people supporting me. I have people who I can depend on and I don’t need to do this alone. Through the meditation I saw myself closing the chapter on of things and seeing my life, my future as I hope it to be. The entire meditation was perfectly timed and constantly flowing, until Millana touched my head for healing and my mind starting to race then went completely blank. I tried to think of things I wanted healed but couldn’t think of a single thing. Another person in the group felt almost a trans-like vibration right before Millana touched her head. Another person in my group felt the same paralyzing thoughts and feelings as I did. The whole experience was amazing!

I feel so much better and a lot more calmer about things in my life since attending both events. I couldn’t of have asked for better timing for this to be present in my life. They came at the right time, when I needed it the most. I can’t tell Krista and Lindsey enough how grateful I am for not only their podcast but for coming to NYC and putting on two amazing events. I feel better than I have in a while with a calming mind and completely filled with love. If you are looking for a new podcast, I can’t recommend Almost30 enough! Listen to them and see for yourself why everyone is obsessed with their podcast.













