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moon river

dress // sandals (similar) // circle bag // sunglasses // earrings c/o

Summer is about bright, bold colors and wearing vibrant prints. A time when you can be playful with your wardrobe, donning pieces that stand out amongst the crowd. My style is dependent on my mood. Sometimes I like to wear energetic pieces, sometimes I prefer a more classic, minimalist look. That is the beauty of fashion, you dress yourself according to your current mood.

Yellow, as we all know, is a cheerful color. A color that looks great against sun-kissed skin. It has the semblance of the sun, fields of sunflowers, a positive attitude and happiness, and the feel of summer. It’s a color that I love to wear when I want to stand out. When I first saw this marigold dress with pink and blue florals, I knew it was the perfect dress for summer. It’s as if you are a cheerful garden.

moon rivermoon rivermoon rivermoon rivermoon rivermoon river

dress // sandals (similar) // circle bag // sunglasses // earrings c/o

This marigold floral dress is easy to throw on for a night out or to an event. It’s not form fitting at all so I suggest going down a size. It has a subtle ruffle on the blouson sleeves, adding an extra detail to this already pretty garment. It’s a dress you will be reaching for time and time again this season when you want to feel cheerful and when you want to stand out.




