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dress // clutch


What better way to turn another year older than to celebrate my birthday in Charleston! I have been here for a few days and am so in love with the city. The cute, southern homes makes a gal want to move here. As this is my first time visiting the charming city, I am so grateful I get to experience it on my birthday!

Turning 32 is a strange feeling. How did I get here? It feels like yesterday I was in high school….time is flying by! A part of me is starting to get scared about my age, afraid of getting older. Then I have to remind myself that I have never been happier. Consistently happy. If you had told me a few years ago I would be this happy, I wouldn’t believe it. 31 was an amazing year for me. I moved back to the city I love very much. I have made so many new friends that I don’t know what my life would be like without them (and still hold on tight to my old ones). My career in blogging is thriving and growing—– I am so beyond grateful. I have had more pinch me moments in this past year than I could have hoped for. I feel truly blessed and happy everyday. Even if I am stressed and it feels like everything is going against me, I still feel happy. It feels like life is getting better everyday.

Even though there is still so much I want to do, I feel I am on the right track. Everything in my life, everything that is happening to me, feels right. I am content with and grateful for the things that did not workout:  jobs, (especially) relationships, friendships. None of it would fit into my life right now. And that is a good thing. I do sometimes think about what my life would be like if things did workout, would I still be in the same situation? And my answer is always the same— I would be unhappy. Whatever is gone, does not belong in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am if they/it stuck around. I think that is the beauty of growing up, you become more yourself– unapologetically. People may not agree with my life decisions or what I say, wear, and do. At the end of the day I am doing this all for me, not for anyone else.

I may be getting older, I didn’t wake up with any new wrinkles– so far so good! I did wake up happy, and that to me is all that matters.  So here’s to another year older, wiser, probably not maturer, but much happier!

