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You may have caught on that the theme of this week is travel. I am starting to get cabin fever here in cold, rainy New York  and have a major itch to travel to city I have never been to. I always keep a little bucket list of places I want to visit someday and this year I have four cities on top of my list .

Charleston, SC

My number one domestic travel destination wish is Charleston, South Carolina. I am obsessed with the colorful architecture, the history and culture, and the southern charm (pun intended) of the city. I have heard from many friends that I must go there, and I may never return. I could easily see myself living there someday–even if it is only for a year or two.

Paris, France

Je dois visiter Paris car je suis en amour avec elle

I looked that up…. wish my french was that good, but it is que pas bon. I have been, here and there, learning french but life gets in the way of studying. I am part french so it only seems right I must go back to my native land. Besides my ethnic background I find Paris to be the most magical places on earth. I want to see the Eiffel Tower light up at night, walk the beautiful streets and shop in boutiques. I want to have tea in a cafe and visit museums. I want to pretend I am truly Parisian and have effortlessly chic style. I want to fall in love in the city of love. If I go anywhere, please let it be Paris.

Dallas, TX

This destination may seem like an odd choice to pick but for some reason I have a fascination with Dallas. Like what is in the water there because everyone I have met from Dallas is good-looking?

 RewardStyle (the affiliated program I use for my blog) is located in Dallas and I have always wanted to go and visit the mothership. Also each year RS host #RSTHECON, a conference/celebration for the top bloggers in the industry. It is, of course, my dream/goal to be invited there one year (you can help a sister out by buying items from the blog through the links…. a little selfish, yet humble, plug 😉 ). The conference is hosted each year in Dallas, so what better way to knock two birds with one stone and cross off two of my goals in one year!

The Hamptons

I am sad to say that for all the years I have lived in New York, I have never been to the Hamptons. I know, it is a tragedy. This summer I am making it my mission to spend a weekend in the Hamptons, and I have an inkling this summer it will happen.

Where do you want to travel to this year?

*view more travel accessories here
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