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On Friday during Simply Smitten I mentioned that I had some big news to share… welllllll…… I am moving back to New York City!!!! Ah, I am so excited about it! For those of you who recently started to follow me, I used to live in NYC for almost 4 years and moved back home to Columbus, Ohio 2 years ago. Moving back home was the hardest decision I have ever made in my entire life. I did not want to leave NYC but thought it was best for me to do so. When I left New York I was sick– mentally, physically, emotionally. It felt as if my body was shutting down and I did not understand why. I thought it was due to stress but this was unlike anything I had ever felt before. There were days I couldn’t get out of bed because my stomach hurt so bad and I was experiencing abnormal amount of migraines. There is more to it, I could write an entire novel about the time period of my life but I want to get to the positive stuff.

So my body was shutting down (or felt as if it were) and after discussing things with my parents, we felt it was right for me to take some time away from NYC, go back home to Columbus and figure out what was going on. Doctor after doctor we finally discovered I had a gluten sensitivity. Once I went gluten free I was back to my normal, healthy self. But I was having a difficult time accepting that I was no longer in New York. I felt like I had SO much more to do there, experience there. I wanted to go back. Everyone kept telling me it will pass, Columbus is where I belong, I could be just as happy in Columbus, and it was all true. I ended up being very happy living in Columbus– I made a lot of new friends, joined clubs, spent more time with my family than I have since high school, and grew my blog from scratch. Moving home was the best decision for me. I am truly going to miss Columbus. I will miss my friends, miss spending time with my parents and family, miss driving around Columbus, miss all the yummy restaurants, and will really miss System of Strength.  I love Columbus. It is my home. It will be my home again in the future, but I can not shake the feeling of going back to New York to finish what I started. And now that I have this wonderful blog of mine I am ready for a new challenge, a new chapter, and see where I can take this venture. Being in NYC for Fashion Week sealed the deal for me in wanting to move back. It felt right, it felt like I belonged there again.

It all happened so fast for me, moving back. I have a friend in New York who is a realtor and I have been talking to him for a very long time about my feelings on wanting to move back. Luck would have it a friend of his was in need of a roommate as her roommate was moving out of the city. He connected us and after a few FaceTime sessions (with her and our other roommate) we felt it would be a good fit for us to live together! So now I am moving back in the beginning of November–perfect timing for the holidays! I am taking the first few months to concentrate only on my blog and taking non-credit courses at the Fashion Institute of Technology, then I will find a job. I have not decided if I am going to go back to the New York Junior League but am leaning towards yes because I loved it so much before! I can’t wait to see my old friends and make new ones. To go see the ballet at the Met Opera House, spend afternoons at the Duck Pond, shop at Bergdorfs, and dine at my favorite restaurants. I have a list of things that I want to experience this time around– take a helicopter ride around the city, dine at the Polo Bar, go to Ellis Island, boat in Central Park, attend the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic, try a bunch of different types of workouts, and meet new people! I have missed the culture, the timeless elegance, the vibe of New York. I can’t wait to be back!

I am on cloud nine about moving back, I am so happy! When I started to talk about moving back (like a week after I left ha), I really never thought it was going to happen. I thought maybe once is enough, maybe once is all God is going to give me, but I was consistent in moving back. I went to interview after interview, looked at apartments, thought about living on a friend’s couch until I found something. Nothing was working out for me. Then all of a sudden it worked out perfectly. I am a true believer in God having a plan for us and things/situations that are meant to be. Maybe the other jobs/apartments were not the right fit for me. I was looking at living alone again, but now I am with roommates– maybe God wanted me to live with roommates this time to meet new people. Who knows, there is a reason for everything. Just like how I said moving home was the best decision I could have made, this is the best decision I can make now.

My mom asked me the other day if I was scared and if I am just as scared as I was when I moved there all those years ago. The answer is yes. I would be lying if I said I was not scared, or just as scared. But this time around it is a different kind of scared. The first time I was scared because I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, NYC seemed so big and it was the first time living out of state for me. Now I am scared in a good way, like when you get your dream job or meet the love of our life. You’re scared because you know you are entering into a good thing. Moving back, I feel, is a good thing. I believe there is something amazing in store for me there, something life changing. So NYC here I come!!

“I dreamed of New York; I am going there”

Sylvia Plath


photo by Megan Weaver