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“show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there”

Happy Friday!! I have a busy, busy weekend! Last night I attended the Thread for Hope event. It was a great evening full of food, drinks, fashion, friends, and supporting a good cause (seen here).

Tonight I am going to the Athletic Club’s Halloween party. To be honest I am not the biggest fan of dressing up for Halloween. I think costumes for women can be way too sexy and expensive. Sometimes I will DIY my costume thinking I am saving money but I end up spending more. It is ironic that I find dressing up to be a drag considering I have spent my entire life in a costume from dance– but it’s a different kind of costume. Anyway, with that being said I am still excited for tonight! It is my last hurrah with the ACC before I move and I can’t wait to spend time with my friends. I still have no idea what I am going to be, ha.  I have a few ideas in mind… but who knows!

Tomorrow is my sister’s baby shower! I seriously have to stop myself from buying everything in sight. Baby stuff is just so gosh darn cute!!

Hope you have a great weekend!

1. #Girlcrush

2. Girl’s night in fall addition

3. Need, want, have to have!

4. 10 stylish Halloween DIY decor

5. 7 roadtrips to take this fall

6. How cute is this?

7. Now we can dress like Victoria Beckham

8. Comfy and cozy

9. Been eating this non-stop

10. 73 Questions with Emma Stone