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If there is one thing you should know about me is that I love to eat healthy foods. I am obsessed with all kinds of colorful veggies and fruits. Yum! Of course I still indulge in chips and guac, pizza,  cupcakes……. yumm cupcakes…… but my daily life is mainly focused around healthy living. I like to consider myself a meat eating sweet tooth vegetarian wanna be vegan. I eat meat, swap my fries for veggies, eat clean and stay away (ish) from diary. I found what works for me and my body and what makes me happy. I have been a vegetarian and have pledge my allegiance to paleo, but in the end what works for me is a combination of all lifestyles. I need meat, I need chocolate, I need lots of veggies and fruits, and sometimes I just need cheese. It is all about balance. But my balance is heavier on the healthier side and I love living this lifestyle. When I talk about my passion for healthy foods people start asking me questions about what I eat daily. There are 5 foods that I make sure to eat daily not only because of their yumminess, but because they provide the nutrients and benefits that I want. So here are the five foods I swear by.

Avocados— There is nothing I love more than avocados. The good kind of fat. In my smoothies, as a side dish or for a snack, no matter what I eat a half of an avocado everyday. Loaded with lots of fiber and potassium it can lower cholesterol, helps you absorb more nutrients, and are high in antioxidants. It also promotes weight loss, helps fight certain cancers, and maintains healthy skin. Holy guacamole, avocados are the best!

BlueberriesI always start my mornings with blueberries. I add them in my smoothies and eat them with my scrambled eggs. Not only are they yummy, they are one of the highest antioxidant foods. Loaded with lots of nutrition it fights aging, boost the brain, fights cancer, promotes heart health, benefits the skin, and aids in weight loss. Blueberries provides vitamin C, B6, potassium, and iron. And did I mention they are yummy?

70% Organic Cacao Dark Chocolate-Color me obsessive but the second my eyes gaze upon chocolate I become possessed. Like I would stick my head in a chocolate fountain without any shame type of addiction. I have a sweet tooth and one that can’t be tamed. So instead of indulging in cookies, cupcakes, brownies, I satisfy my sweet tooth with chocolate that is 70% or above dark chocolate. It is loaded with fiber, iron, zinc and other minerals and nutrients. It boots your brain, provides cardiovascular benefits, lowers the risk of heart disease, healthier teeth, aids in sun protection, stress and anxiety reliever, and can help with weight loss. Of course it should be consumed in small amounts, but what is the fun in that?

SpinachI once read an article that you are suppose to add greens to every meal, so I do (ish). I know kale is all the rage right now, and I do love me some delicious green kale, but spinach is my leaf of choice. It is high in nutritional value and rich in antioxidants. Has loads of vitamin A, B2, and C. Provides minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium.  Helps with skin, hair, and bone health. Stronger muscles and improves eye sight. Really I could go on and on. Think of every health benefit and spinach is the answer! Eat your greens folks!

Green Apples— Give me a green apple with almond butter and I am one happy little lady. I love apples. I crave apples. One heck of a delicious and beneficial fruit, green apples really do keep the doctor away. It contains a number of minerals–iron, zinc, potassium. Loaded with antioxidant is helps with cell renewal– better skin– and has vitamin C, A, E, and B to help prevent any skin damage. It is low in fat content so can aid in weight loss by boosting your metabolism. A good source of fiber it will help detoxify your body. It is great for your hair, eyesight and bones. Green apples are really the best thing you can eat!