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When I think of summer only one thing comes to mind– Lilly Pulitzer. Full of bright colors and to-die for prints, it’s the ultimate summer attire. I first fell in love with Lilly in my early 20’s, a late bloomer I was. When I moved to NYC, it become my go-to summer shop. It is definitely a more east coast, southern brand, but here in there midwest, I do see a few people sporting the beloved brand. During the summertime in NYC I felt like I was in a sea of Lilly–especially at Junior League– and I loved it! I am sad I no longer live near a Lilly store, the bright colors of the store always cheered me up. I would take the train from 22nd street to 79th street (sometimes I even walked), just to be in a room full of happy colorful things–plus it was fun trying on the new arrivals and taking a shift or two home with me. I was there so much, the girls who worked there new my name.

Short story: There was one particular weekend, towards the end of my time in NYC, that was one of the worst weekends of my life. Without getting into too much details, I had a meltdown that wasn’t pretty and lasted 2 days. At one point I knew I needed to get out of my apartment, so I, of course,  decided I needed retail therapy and Lilly was the only place that I wanted to go. I took the train up to the Upper East Side and walked into that beautiful Madison Avenue store.  I looked like someone ran over me with a truck, my eyes were red and puffy from crying. Anyway, I tried on a bunch of clothes and chit-chatted with the girls. The manager at the time I knew the best and one that I would always talk to. She wasn’t around in the beginning of my visit, but walked in right as I was checking out. After saying hi to each other, I immediately ran over to her and gave her the biggest hug. Like a death grip, bear hug. I was so shocked (she was too) that I did it and a little embarrassed, but I needed a hug at the time. I was also so thankful that these girls, and this store, cheered me up after the worst few days ever. So buying a Lilly will make you happy!

Anyway,  Last night was the resort presentation for Lilly’s fall collection in NYC. I wish I would have been there to see the clothes in person, but looking at snippets from Snapchat and Instagram was enough to get me excited for the new collection. It also got me excited for this summer’s collection and new prints. You can never go wrong with a Lilly!

Is Lilly Pulitzer your go-to summer wardrobe?!