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Have you ever created a vision board? I make them all the time and absolutely love doing them! The concept is to put all your goals, dreams, and anything that gives you inspiration onto a board where you can see them daily. One board can be a specific theme or one goal, or you can mix it up with different goals. I think it is a great way to stay focus on where you want to go in life, what kind of life you want to live and who you want to be. It also helps with the creative process. My board consists of a lot of fashionable inspiration, people I admire, ballerinas, lots of color and flowers, quotes that remind me to stay happy and positive, health and fitness goals, blogging collaborations I want to have or events I want to attend, and images of New York and Paris. It’s a collection of everything that makes me, me, and everything that I aspire to be.

The idea of having a vision board is to help you get in the mindset and imagine that the object is already yours. It goes along with the law of attraction, which I am completely believe in! Of course I know that if I stare at a pair of Chanel shoes they are not going to magically appear on my doorstep–but if you want to send me some, I wouldn’t argue ;)– it is the idea, the reminder, that someday I will own a pair through working towards my goals. My board, to me, is a reminder of where I want to go in life. If I am having a bad day or when I think everything I have created and everything I do sucks, it all just SUCKS, I look at the board to remind me that someday I will achieve my goals, that it will happen for me, but I need to be patient, continue to work and continue the fire inside me.

I remember when I first made a vision board, I was super excited as this is RIGHT up my alley! I have been collecting images for years online, keeping them in a folder, so once I learned about vision boards, it was like this is SO for me! I also remember feeling overwhelmed at first on what images I wanted to use, is this really my goal, etc. So if you are thinking about creating a vision board for your personal goals and dreams, here are 5 tips for starting!



  1. Collect images that really move you. It is easy to throw on a bunch of images because you think they are pretty, but a vision board should consist of images that inspire and motivate you. Start collecting images from magazines, Pinterest or even your own personal collection of photographs.  Your images should give you the feeling you will have when you manifest it. If your image does not give you feelings of excitement, motivation, happiness, love, then do not put it on there. Each image should mean something to you.

2. Really think about what you want to put on there. Is this truly your goal as of now? Maybe buying a house is a goal in the future, but for right now it is not as important as, lets say, your career or the trip to Paris you want to take. Save the image of the house for later. The best part about vision boards is that you can always change them. I constantly add new images or take images down. Even if the goal hasn’t been reach, it maybe because the goal isn’t as relevant as I thought it was. Make your vision board in the now. Also there is no law saying you can’t make more than one vision board–one for your current goals and one for goals you want to obtain in the future. Whatever it is that you put on there, be clear on exactly what you want–this is the most important step.


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3. Your board does not have to be cluttered. If you have a lot of space, like the image above, it is perfectly ok! The point of a vision board is to focus on goals and dreams. If right now you have one main focus, it is important to put the images that will get you to manifest this goal, give you the feelings. If this means it only takes you 10 pictures instead of 20, that’s great! It is your vision board. And don’t be afraid to add and take away images. If an image no longer serves it’s purpose or no longer gives you the feeling of excitement and happiness, take it down, add something that will! This is your board, your rules, your dreams and goals. Go crazy with it or keep it simple, it is all up to you!

4. Once you have the images nicely placed on the board, hang it somewhere prominent where you can see it daily. I have mine hanging in my room where, even if I am not trying to, I can see it habitually. It is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I see when I go to bed at night. I see it when I am getting ready for the day or just laying in bed reading a book.

5. Spend a few minutes a day to really look at your board, not just give it a glance and be on your merry way. It will help you to keep motivated and focus on your goals. Feel the emotions of achieving the goal or keep inline with your progress. Keeping your vision in the forefront of your mind will help you to take steps towards your dreams. Really look at your images to manifest them into your life.

A vision board is fun craft to do and a great way to really narrow down your thoughts and goals!

Would love to hear if you have a vision board and what images you put on there?!