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button up // pants // handbag // shoes (old, similar) // sunglasses // watch

A  little something about me:  I love the color pink and I can’t say no to bows. Put them together, and, well, I am in heaven. It’s feminine, pretty, and always puts me in a good mood when I wear one or the other. So when I came across these pants from J.Crew I immediately had to have them. Now I know it’s more of a tie than a bow, but it’s the effort that counts right? Plus you can untie it and make it into a bow for different looks. Genius! Anyway, the tie adds a great detail to a normal pair of wide leg pants. I did a little fashion show for myself in my room and tried them with different tops of mine. I think while wearing it I will opt for something that I can tuck in so the tie shows, but I do think it looks good with a sweater for more of a comfy look. These pants are really lightweight as well, making it a great transitional piece for spring!