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DELPOZO Spring / Summer 2014 collection shown at New York Fashion Week


“All she ever wanted was unpredictable kisses and unforgettable laughter”

–Brandon Villansenor

Happy, happy Friday!! I’ve been one heck of a busy bee lately. Seems like every night for the past few weeks I have either had an event to go to, dinner dates, meetings, or an evening workout. Last night I went to the new Cameron Mitchell restaurant, The Avenue, to celebrate my sister’s birthday. I have to say it was a great experience! Definitely my favorite of his newest restaurants. The decor is modeled after the 20’s–reminds me of The Monkey Bar in New York except The Avenue does not have the famous mural. The food is really good too! I had the salmon with asparagus and a side salad. I can’t wait to go back!

This weekend I am going out to celebrate (again) my sister’s birthday! We are eating at Forno (another great restaurant) and prancing around the downtown area. Other than the continued BDAY celebration, I have a lot on my to-do list that I need to tackle, and will be attending church for Palm Sunday. Have I mentioned how happy I am that spring is almost here?! Ahh, I can’t wait!

1) Thoughts from DJ

2) The shoe of the summer

3) This needs to be mine!

4) 10 ways to brighten your life this spring

5) This bra could save our lives

6) Making this for Easter

7) Look good while working for your summer body

8) How darling is this dress?

9) 5 books to bring on spring break

10) 45 life lessons written by a 90 year old woman