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This past weekend it was nice and sunny, and I was able to run outside without a coat and drive around with the windows down. Now there is a winter wonderland happening and I am freezing. Make up your mind Mother Nature…. and there is only one right answer: keep it sunny and warm!

I am over my big sweaters and chunky boots, I am itching to wear dresses and pastel colors. You know, all the good things that come with it being warm and sunny (I am looking at you Mother Nature!). One trend in particular I am looking forward to wearing is pleated skirts. Do you already own one? Well you must! Feminine, easy to wear, and fun to twirl around in… well they are! Throw a light sweater, a button-up collared shirt, or a simple blouse ontop for a polished look. They can be dressed up or worn with casual attire. I already have a blush colored pleated skirt, similar to this one, and absolutely love it! Now I am looking to get either a blue or white for a more versatile look.

Do you love pleated skirts?