
“Joy is a heart full and a mind purified by gratitude.” Marietta  McCarty

1) More Mimosas Please!

2) I will be romping around the city in this.

3) A tasty 4th of July treat.

4) How to be a great party host.

5) Hello, I live here….dreaming of my future home.

6) “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.”

7) A beautiful floral dress.

8)  This looks so delicious! I will have to try to make it someday.

9) Healthy is happy!

10) Definitely drank the kool-aid of this fitness program a few times over and loving every sore minute of it.

11) A huge thank you to all of the people who have been so supportive of my blog! I am very grateful and appreciate all of you who have been reading my posts and following my instagram account. I feel so lucky and blessed to have such caring and amazing people in my life!

Don’t forget father’s day is in a week! Dads seem to be the hardest people to shop for. I try to get a little clever every year and buy my dad something he would enjoy! So what do you get for the greatest man you will ever know? They always have everything they want and need.  When shopping for them it’s either “does he really need another tie?” or “this is cute but will he actually wear it?” It always ends in a panic, so I’ve pulled together some great gift ideas that I think dads would love.


If you are in the New York City area next Wednesday, June 11th, please join the New York Junior League for a fun evening of shopping at Rebecca Taylor. From 6:30pm-8:30pm enjoy tasty treats and savory drinks while shopping and mingling with your friends! All guests will receive 10% off, while one lucky guest will receive a $250 gift card and a private shopping evening at Rebecca Taylor. For more information and to purchase tickets ahead of time please head over to http://www.nyjl.org. All proceeds will benefit the charitable activities of the New York Junior League.

“Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul” Joanne Harris

Deep breath.. ok here it goes..

Earlier this year I was really struggling with some life decisions and personal situations. I started to have terrible anxiety and moments of complete breakdowns. My stress level was beyond anything I have ever experienced and it was really affecting me personally, emotionally, and physically. I was not depressed or walking around like I was dead (I was still living in my favorite city, had amazing friends and family, and was part of a wonderful organization) but I was not the happy-go-lucky girl I have always been. I was very sad, angry, lost, heartbroken, and confused. I knew a change needed to happen…

One of my favorite bloggers, College Prepster, for over a year kept recommending a must read, life changing book Zen and the Art of Happiness by Chris Prentiss. I finally decided now was better than ever to read it due to the state I was in and bought the book. She was right, it completely turned my life around and brought me back to being happy again. The book talks about taking each event, good and bad, that happen to you in your life and changing your prospective of it. To find the silver lining. When a situation occurs, view it with a positive mind. Say to yourself that this is truly the best thing that could ever happen to me. Everything happens to benefit you. It’s the science and spirituality of how what we believe, think, and feel will affect our body. What determines our happiness or unhappiness is not the event itself, but the way we look and relate to the event. The more you engage in any type of emotion or behavior, the greater the desire for it will come.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”  William Shakespeare

I sat down to rethink about all of my past and current situations and started to look for and find the sliver lining in them all. I quickly felt better, happier and got my zest for life back! I knew more changes needed to happen so I made them. I really improved my health and am focusing on myself and personal matters. Currently working on my relationships, improving those I care about and getting rid of people who are toxic. I moved back to my hometown to be surrounded by people who love and support me. And I quit my job to start this blog–something I have been dreaming about for years! Of course I am only human and I still have moments of sadness, stress and feeling lost, but I am also very happy, have an abundance of gratitude,  and feel more optimistic than ever.

I am hoping this will encourage some of you who are feeling a little gloomy to buy this amazing book and get back to having a life full of happiness and love. I am grateful that I did. A few other books that have helped me throughout the years: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Add More ING To Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein.

“There is only one way to achieve lasting happiness.That way is simply: be happy.” Christ Prentiss