Simply Smitten

*image Jess Ann Kirby

“sometimes in the wind of change we find our true direction”


Happy Friday!! I am still in Columbus visiting my family (until tomorrow). It has been a wonderful week and I am so grateful for it. The week started off with my niece’s baptism. She wore a 200 year old dress from France that has been passed down through generations. I was the last person who have worn it. After the baptism we had a celebratory party at my parents house. The entire day was wonderfully special and I know my 6 month old niece had a great time.


Megan Hess


“Realize how blessed you are”

Happy Friday!! With it being a short week it sure felt long. Needless to say I am happy it is the weekend. I was planning on going to the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic tomorrow but plans fell through. I am pretty bummed about it. It is on my bucket list to attend a polo match. There is always next year! I will still have a wonderful weekend though! Tonight I am going to happy hour with a few friends then to a rooftop party. Tomorrow I am doing a double workout (#helpme) and hopefully meeting up with a friend for dinner.  I am also going to The Met with my roommate to see the Comme des Garcons exhibit (which was the theme for the Met Gala).



“We create the reality in which we live”

This week has been pretty crazy with my computer still in the shop, celebrating my birthday, and getting together with some other local blogger gals for a drink… or two. This weekend I am going to take it easy, so far my only plans are to work, go to the pool one last time, and  get caught up with work. I am laying low because the next few weekends will be filled with activities–labor day weekend and NYFW. Which I am SO excited for! Until then, I am going to enjoy what is left of summer. Happy Friday!


1) There is a God!!

2) A shut the front door, must have, can’t live without you, answer to your prayers

3) How to budget–but not kill–your social life

4) Ab exercises with Jillian Michaels 

5) Thank yourself now for taking this on your next trip 

6) Oh so sweet and yummy!

7) How fun is this DIY Champagne Popsicle Party!

8) Obsessed with this stylish romper

9) A trick to removing “um” and “like” form your vocabulary— like, um, I need this!

10) 7 ways to build your personal brand