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Start each day with a grateful heart. This is the background to my iPad and will soon be hanging on my wall. It’s an important reminder to myself that life really is beautiful and there are many reasons to be happy. With my life being so uncertain right now, it is easy for me to get caught up in the chaos and worries of “where do I belong?”, “what am I suppose to do with my life?”, and comparing myself to other people’s social media lives. I have such big goals and dreams that I want them all to manifest at the snap of my finger; when I know things take time and will happen at the right moment. Seeing this quote everyday reminds me that I am exactly where I need to be at this moment and that things will turn out for the best. To stay grateful for what I do have while working for what I want. I try to always live life everyday to the fullest because there are wonderful things happening right now, no matter how small, that truly are a blessing. Simply to enjoy the simple things. 
Some days may be more challenging than others to wake up in a happy state. There are many ways to turn your day around: count your blessings, play your favorite song, take your dog on a walk, or talk to your mother. One of the first things I do when I wake up is document my gratitude in a journal. I write 10 things, some times more but never less, that I am grateful for at the moment. I have written things as silly as I liked the outfit I wore the day before to important moments in reconnecting with friends. I write about being thankful for the lessons I have learned from my past and for all the amazing, wonderful things that my future holds. No matter what I write about it starts my day off on the right note with a full heart. If it is a day that is a little more challenging for me, I will take a minute sometime later in the day to re-read what I wrote that morning. 
Documenting my gratitude is helpful for me since I am not always vocal about my true feelings; something I am working on. I have found the more I am grateful for what I have, the more life offers me wonderful things. I really encourage all of you to find some simple way to remind yourself to see all of the little blessings life has offered you. To start each day with a grateful heart.